印傭、菲傭在香港已非常普及, 我們是一間在香港的可靠、忠誠的聘請印傭、菲傭代理,專門代僱主聘用印傭及菲傭。
外傭僱傭簡單便利 ── 我們送遞文件服務為主,從挑選印傭及菲傭、簽訂印傭及菲傭合約至傭工抵港,不論地區遠或近,我們的職員都樂於送交到府上或任何地點,而且費用更是全免的。即使我們的印傭及菲傭資料未能符合你揀選的要求,我們都絕不收取分毫。
傭工詳細的資料 查看我們的網頁能夠提供你所需要的印傭及菲傭資料,並期盼能夠為你提供服務。
查詢印傭及菲傭資料,可致電 6332 1312 向職員查詢。快遞家傭僱用服務代理牌照號碼:72111。
Indonesian helper and Filipino domestic maid are very common in Hong Kong. Express-Domestic Employment Services Agency is one of the most trusted and reliable in Hong Kong. We specialise in deploying Indonesian and Filipino domestic helpers for employers. We are a licenced company registered under the Business Registration Ordinance (chapter 310) Business Registration Regulations Business Registration Certificate and registered under the employment ordinance Chapter 57 Section 52 Licence to Operate an Employment Agency.
We are the first to provide home delivery domestic helper service's agency in Hong Kong. For the convenience of our customers living in all districts around and those do not enough time to visit our offices. Just make a call or fill in a form to us; we will have an ideal Indonesian and Filipino domestic helper closely suited to our customers' requirements based on our experience. We will send the selected Indonesian and Filipino domestic maids' bio-data and video by email or home delivery service.
Honesty, dedication and professionalism are Our mission. We pride ourselves as the best in terms of prices and quality services about Indonesian and Filipino domestic helpers employment.
Provide good Indonesian helper and Filipino domestic maids are our duty. We have worked hard to build up a reliable & trust-able reputation for our customer service and highest successful rate. After sales services are the best indicators of our service level. We hope employer can find a suitable Indonesian or Filipino domestic helper. To be the best Hong Kong domestic helper agency is our company target.
Our Indonesian and Filipino domestic maids are trained and taught at the training centres in their respective countries. We have researched and produced our own training and teaching syllabus appropriately, aimed at trying to make them competent maids. Our training syllabus is centred at the general duties and household chores they are required to perform, and the safety measures that the Indonesian and Filipino domestic helpers should be aware of before working for an Employer. Besides sourcing and deploying them, we also ensure they are properly trained to handle variety of duties such as cooking, baby-sitting, taking care of elderly or disabled family members etc...
We build up maids with the right motivation and the right attitude for work through proper counselling. We believe that a good maid is also a person with good morals.
To be the best domestic helper agency in Hong Kong. Our consultants are backed with essential experience in closely matching each maid to employer family's need. Consultants are guided to properly handle, counsel, be sensitive and caring for our maids. Our consultant team members are experienced in the foreign domestic helper industry. We recognise the importance of providing excellence in foreign domestic helper training and selection. We take pride of our reputation of total customer satisfaction, warm after sales service and providing job opportunities for our foreign domestic helpers. Taking every effort to ensure both employer and foreign domestic helper enjoy a harmonious relationship, We are dealing with human beings and believe in making every effort for staff to be trained in handling our foreign domestic helpers. A strong indicator of our quality management and service. We are honoured to have a full time working Indonesian Translator to assure our after sales services. Our employers are assured of good and quality services.
Indonesian and Filipino helpers data are easily to find out in my web site. Please continue surfing at our website to take a look all the data of the domestic helpers. We are looking forward to serve you with our utmost.
For further details, please call 6332 1312 to contact our consultant. Express-Domestic Employment Services Agency Licence no. is 72111.